Trophy Guide

The game has 42 Trophies, and none of them are missable. Destiny is meant to be a long-term game, so there's really no point in rushing getting the trophies. (If you're a Trophy fag then you should pick a game that's easier to collect / unlock trophies in the first place.)
This page will give you tips on how to unlock all trophies in the game. For a more in-depth discussion or details, I suggest visiting Playstation's Trophy Roadmap.
Guardian Lord (Platinum)
Obtain all trophies in Destiny.
Change of Heart (Bronze)
Reverse a decision you made in an upgrade grid.
You just need to unlock a new perk and switch to that to unlock this trophy. Since the first perk that you'll unlock is another grenade type, just select that to get this trophy.
Ship Rite (Bronze)
Rebuild a Jumpship.
Story-related. Unmissable.
Bane of the Emperor (Bronze)
Kill 25 Cabal with precision shots in 1 mission without dying.
You need precision weapons that can deal critical damage in order to do this. Using sniper rifles on unsuspecting Legionaries is one method. The tried-and-tested method surprisingly is using a good hand-cannon. It's quite deadly close/medium range and is quite accurate if you aim at the target's head. Legionaries and Psions will be your most common victims here. Phalanxes need to be staggered by shooting their exposed arm then quickly blowing their heads up when their shields are out of the way.
Decryptologist (Bronze)
Decrypt 25 Engrams.
You'll get engrams as Strike or Crucible rewards, or you can collect them as normal drops from killed enemies. This can be unlocked by normal progression so you don't have to rush unlocking this trophy by forced farming.
Use of Weapons (Bronze)
Dismantle 50 pieces of armor or weapons.
This is another trophy that can be unlocked through natural progression. You'll come across tons of different weapons, either as straight loot or decrypted from engrams.
The Life Exotic (Silver)
Obtain and equip a piece of Exotic gear.
This is one of the trophies that will probably take time, depending on your luck and hard work. Exotic gears are the rarest and the most powerful in the game. You have the chance to obtain an exotic gear through the following methods:
- Decrypt Exotic Engrams
- Decrypt Legendary Engrams
- Exchange Motes of Light or Strange Coins from Xûr, Agent of the Nine.
- Reward or drop from Raids
- Complete Exotic Bounties
- Reward from Weekly Nightfall Strikes
A New Steed (Bronze)
Obtain and equip a new personal vehicle.
Story-related. Unmissable.
Suited for War (Silver)
Have all armor and weapon slots equipped with Legendary or Exotic gear.
This is one of the hardest trophies to complete. In order to unlock this, all your equipped gears and weapons should either be Exotics or Legendaries. Both rarities are very hard to obtain to find. Not to mention you'll have to rely on chance since decrypting legendary or exotic engrams can still yield Ascendant Energies, or equipment for other classes.
There are definite ways of getting legendaries and these are through the faction vendors in the Tower. Players need to build reputation and earn marks to be able to purchase these legendary gears and weapons. Crucible and Vanguard reputation and marks are earned separately and each has a weekly cap of 100 marks. Weapons costs normally around 150 marks while armor is much cheaper.

Another sure way to get Exotics is by buying from Xur, a special NPC that appears only during weekends and can be found on different locations of the tower every week. He sells exotic equipment in exchange for Strange Coins and Motes of Light.

Finally, getting Exotic weapons through Exotic Bounties.

Bane of the Kell (Bronze)
Kill 25 Fallen with precision shots in 1 mission without dying.
The Fallen are one of the first enemies you'll encounter. Their lower ranked minions can be easily killed. Taking on Dregs and Vandals should be enough to rack up the necessary kills towards this trophy. One of the best spots to do this early on is during the story mission The Dark Within. The Skywatch area (where the original loot cave is located) is where a constant battle between the Fallen and the Hive are taking place. Since both forces need to replenish their ranks whenever you clear the area, Hive and Fallen enemies will continue respawning. Stable weapons like pulse rifles and scout rifles can help, otherwise, you'll have to rely on hand cannons or sniper rifles.
Lucky 7s (Bronze)
Attain a Grimoire score of 777.
To clarify, you don't need to earn exactly 777 Grimoire points to get this trophy. You can earn this simply by playing the story. More grimoire points are acquired by visiting new locations, encountering new enemies, finding dead ghosts, etc.
Bane of the Dead (Bronze)
Kill 25 Hive with precision shots in 1 mission without dying.
Lower-ranked hive units like Thralls and Acolytes can be killed easily with precision damage. One of the best spots to do this early on is during the story mission The Dark Within. The Skywatch area (where the original loot cave is located) is where a constant battle between the Fallen and the Hive are taking place. Since both forces need to replenish their ranks whenever you clear the area, Hive and Fallen enemies will continue respawning. Stable weapons like pulse rifles and scout rifles can help, otherwise, you'll have to rely on hand cannons or sniper rifles.
Inspector (Bronze)
Inspect another player.
If you have a friend, you can select their name in your roster and select Inspect Player. For inspecting other players you find in the field or the Tower, press R3 to lock on them and bring up the menu to inspect them.
Blink of an Eye (Bronze)
Kill 5 enemies in 3 seconds.
The best way to unlock this trophy is by destoying multiple enemies at once. A well-placed rocket in the middle of weaker enemies like thralls or dregs should be enough to unlock this trophy.
Valorous (Silver)
Earn the maximum weekly Vanguard score.
The weekly Vanguard score is 100. The counter resets every Tuesday at 2 AM PST (5 AM EST / 9 AM GMT) so players must reach the max amount of marks before the reset.
You can start earning Vanguard Marks once you've reached LV18, and higher level Strike missions (which include Marks as rewards) won't be available until you unlock the Strike Playlist. There are different methods of earning marks.
- Strike Playlists (varying difficulties let you earn marks ranging from 0-6)
- Weekly Heroic Strike (varying difficulties let you earn marks ranging from 3-0)
- Nightfall Strikes (15 marks)
- Public Events (Gold Tier earns you 4 marks per gold event)
- Material Exchange (5 marks per 50 Spinmetal/Spirit Bloom/Helium Filaments/Relic Iron exchanged)
Notorious (Silver)
Earn the maximum weekly Crucible score.
The weekly Crucible score is 100. The counter resets every Tuesday at 2 AM PST (5 AM EST / 9 AM GMT) so players must reach the max amount of marks before the reset. You'll earn 3 marks per victory and 2 marks per loss.
Public Defender (Bronze)
Earn the highest tier of completion in 10 public events.
Public events take place at a specific time and location. Refer to this dedicated site to learn more about Public Event schedules. Public events usually require you to finish the objective in the fastest time possible. While it is possible to finish these events alone when you're high-leveled and you have really good gear and weapons, it is still recommended to do this with a trusted friend or fireteam to ensure you'll get a Gold Tier rating.

Finders Keepers (Bronze)
Assist in capturing 50 capture points in Control.
The objective of this game mode is to capture and defend any of the three control points in the map. Two teams of six guardians each will compete to meet this objective. To capture a control point held by the enemy team, a member of the opposing team should stand within the control point's circle and remain there until the control point is neutralized. Once neutralized, the capture gauge will slowly fill up. Take note that multiple allied players in the same point will speed up the neutralization/ capture process, requiring team work both in capturing and defending these positions.
Relic Hunter (Bronze)
Assist in capturing 20 capture points in Salvage.
Salvage is a Crucible match that is only available during weekends. The gameplay is very similar to Control; however, the main difference is after "capturing" the point, it will vanish. Players need to stand their ground and defend the position while their Ghost is extracting the relic. As long as you're standing on the control point at the moment of capture, it will count towards this trophy.
Hunter Killer (Bronze)
Kill 100 Hunters in PvP.
This is best attempted using Heavy Weapons whenever possible so you'll unlock the "Excessive Force" trophy as well.
Giant Slayer (Bronze)
Kill 100 Titans in PvP.
This is best attempted using Heavy Weapons whenever possible so you'll unlock the "Excessive Force" trophy as well.
Witch Hunt (Bronze)
Kill 100 Warlocks in PvP.
This is best attempted using Heavy Weapons whenever possible so you'll unlock the "Excessive Force" trophy as well.
Ask Questions Later (Bronze)
Earn a first strike kill in PvP.
Excessive Force (Bronze)
Register 25 kills in PvP with heavy weapons.
Heavy ammo only appear at specific locations and specific times in a match. Keep playing until you memorize each maps' layouts and the heavy ammo spawn points.
Triple Play (Silver)
Kill a Hunter, Titan, and Warlock without dying in a PvP match.
The "without dying" part is the hardest part of this trophy. Just work hard in getting better gear, weapon, perks, and skill to be able to dominate your opponents.
Raider (Silver)
Complete a Raid.
You must be at least LV26 to participate in a Raid. Please follow the link for more details.
Raiding Party (Silver)
Complete a Raid with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members.
Epic Raider (Gold)
Complete a Raid on hard difficulty.
Flawless Raider (Gold)
Complete a Raid without anyone in your fireteam dying.
Vanguard Honor (Bronze)
Attain Vanguard Rank 3.
When attempting this trophy, make sure you're not part of any of the three optional factions in the game; otherwise your earn reputation will be counted towards them instead. You need to earn 6000 reputation to get to Rank 3. Here are some activities that will let you earn Vanguard rep:
- Patrol Missions - 10 (25 for killing high value targets)
- Material Exchange - 25 rep (don't do this since the trade is not worth it)
- Vanguard Bounties - 50 - 100
- Strike Playlist - 10 to 25
- Daily Heroic Story - 150 - 350 (depending on the mission level)
- Weekly Heroic Strike - 150 - 400 (depending on the mission level)
- Nightfall Strike - 500
One tips mentioned in the Playstation Trophies Trophy Map is doing patrol missions in separate areas with a full fire team. All earned rep by members will count towards each other, making this faster. This is also best done with some [video= title=] at hand.
A Friend Indeed (Bronze)
Resurrect 5 fallen players.
Rising Vanguard (Bronze)
Complete a Strike.
Strength of the Pack (Silver)
Complete a Strike with a full fireteam consisting of only your clan members.
Check out the specific steps in F8l Fool's trophy roadmap in Playstation
Flawless Striker (Bronze)
Complete a Strike without anyone in your fireteam dying.
It's better to select a low level Strike mission and just rush in finishing it to unlock this trophy. You can try higher difficulties but it will be better if you personally know the members of your fireteam so you can coordinate closely and effectively.
Ghost Hunter (Bronze)
Discover 50 dead ghosts.
Refer to this guide's Dead Ghosts location to find all dead ghosts hidden in all locations in the game.
Dragon Slayer (Bronze)
Kill a champion of the Dark.
Story-related. Unmissable.
Hunter Mastery (Silver)
Fully upgrade a Hunter Subclass.
You have to keep playing as a specific subclass to earn exp and unlock all perks. Bounties and Heroic stories/strikes offer solid experience points upon completion.
Titan Mastery (Silver)
Fully upgrade a Titan Subclass.
You have to keep playing as a specific subclass to earn exp and unlock all perks. Bounties and Heroic stories/strikes offer solid experience points upon completion.
Warlock Mastery (Silver)
Fully upgrade a Warlock Subclass.
You have to keep playing as a specific subclass to earn exp and unlock all perks. Bounties and Heroic stories/strikes offer solid experience points upon completion.
Packing Heat (Silver)
Fully upgrade an Exotic weapon.
The requirements of fully upgrading Exotic and Legendaries are the following:
- Unlock all nodes by earning EXP. Each node take saround 20,000 exp to unlock
- 32 Weapon Parts - You'll earn weapon parts by dismantling weapons. However, dismantling upgraded weapons will yield more parts.
- 80 Upgrade Materials (Spinmetal, Spirit Blooms, Helium Filaments, Relic Irons)Refer to this page for material farming tips.
- 18 Ascendant Energy - These are the rarest components in the game. You'll only get this by sheer luck in drops, dismantling legendary or exotic weapons, legendary engrams, rewards for high level Daily Heroic and Weekly Nightfall, drops/rewards from Raids, and Gold Tier Public Events.
Fully Weaponized (Silver)
Fully upgrade a Legendary weapon.
See "Packing Heat" trophy
Bane of the Machines (Bronze)
Kill 25 Vex with precision shots in 1 mission without dying.
Refer to this page to learn each Vex weak point. Use high-powered, precision weapons such as sniper rifles and hand cannons to target these weaknesses and kill them instantly.
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