
A Raid is a six-player cooperative mission which requires high-level gear and abilities. Raids are different from Story missions and Strikes, since players won't be given objectives or waypoints. Raids will force players to figure out the mission mechanics themselves. Since proper coordination and communication is needed between each member of the team, Raids do not support matchmaking.
Raid missions come with two difficulties: Normal and Hard. Normal mode will let players learn more about the Raid's mechanics, and with effective communication and execution. Hard mode in the other hand, will include deadlier enemies, increased mechanic difficulty, and a harsher death penalty in addition to the what Normal mode provides. Hard mode is unlocked after completing the Raid in normal mode.

Raids are also lenghty, and it is almost impossible to complete everything in one sitting. Progress is saved and can be resumed at a different time or day as long as the fireteam leader is the same. Raid progress is reset every Tuesday.

Players can receive one legendary armor set per difficulty, depending on their class. They can also receive one exclusive legendary weapon of each archetype. Once a Guardian receives loot for an encounter, that Guardian won't receive any further loot from that encounter until the current Raid progress has been refreshed during the scheduled weekly Raid reset on Tuesday.
The raid loot and loot timer is exclusive to a single character. This allows players to run through multiple raid sessions during a week if they have other end-game level characters capable of doing the raids.

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