Legendary and Exotic Equipment
Getting Legendary / Exotic Equipment
Through Faction Vendors
All other vendors will allow you to purchase armor once you've reached Rank 2 by collecting reputation points. At Rank 3, you'll be able to buy weapons in exchange for more marks. These are actual legendary gear you're getting; not engrams that has a chance to become something you don't want/ need after decrypting. Do the weeklies, dailies, and bounties to earn reputation and collect marks necessary to buy these legendaries.

Through the Cryptarch
You'll earn reputation to the Cryptarch by making him decrypt engrams. Once you maxed out his Reputation, any succeeding increase in reputation will award you with legendary and rare engrams. You'll get these engrams from the postmaster.

These Legendary Engrams has a chance to become a Rare, Legendary, or Exotic gear or weapon. The only catch is that the class-restriction of the armor you're getting is also getting. It is very possible to get a legendary gear not meant for your character.

Through Xur, the special weekend vendor
Xur is the curious vendor that only appears during weekends and he moves from one location to the other every weekend. His inventory doesn't require reputation to access and his stock changes every week as well. All his items are exotic and you can only buy them in exchange for Strange Coins and Motes of Light.
Note: You can only wear one exotic armor and one exotic weapon at a time.

Exotic Bounties
Past LV20, while turning in bounties, the Bounty Tracker (Xander 99-40) might give you a Vanguard Mentor Missive. This exotic item will open up three exotic bounties though you can only select one. These sidequests require several specific steps to complete. Upon completion, the player is guaranteed to get an exotic weapon.

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