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Walkthrough and game guide
  • Basics
  • Primary Weapons
  • Special Weapons
  • Heavy Weapons
  • Classes
  • Sub-Classes
  • Races
  • Story Missions
  • Strike Missions
  • Collectible - Dead Ghosts
  • Collectible - Gold Chests
  • Game Modes
  • Vanguard and Crucible Bounties
  • Exotic Bounties
  • Multiplayer
  • Multiplayer Maps
  • Trophies


This is the game's Competitive Multiplayer (PvP) mode. This feature can be unlocked once one of the player's guardian reaches LV5. Once unlocked, the player's other low level characters can enter the Crucible as well. Completing Crucible matches award players with Crucible Marks and Crucible Reputation. These can be used to purchase powerful special weapons and equipment from Crucible NPCs in the Tower. There's also a chance that players will get various loot for completing matches.

Game Types

You can refer to this guide's Multiplayer section for more information.
  • Clash
  • Control
  • Rumble
  • Salvage
  • Skirmish

Multiplayer Maps

  • Twilight Gap
  • Rusted Lands
  • Exodus Blue

  • Shores of Time
  • Asylum

  • First Light
  • The Anomaly

  • Bastion
  • Firebase Delphi
  • Blind Watch

Crucible Rank and Reputation

Crucible Reputation is awarded to Guardians for completing Crucible bounties. Keep earning reputation to increase your Crucible Rank, which will give you access to the Crucible Handler and Quartermaster's invetories.

Crucible Rank
Required amount of Reputation to reach
Rank 1
1500 Reputation
Rank 2
2000 Reputation
Rank 3
2500 Reputation

Crucible Marks

Crucible Marks are an exchange currency that can be used to purchase items from the Crucible Quratermaster and Crucible Handler. At level 18, guardians can earn 3 marks for each win and 2 marks for each loss in the Crucible. A player can collect a maximum of 100 Crucible Marks in a week. Alternatively, players can earn marks by exchanging 50 materials to Arcite 99-40.

Comments for Crucible

1 comments, latest first.
nobody mentions the fact that xbox gold live is needed to play in the crucible ordinary xbox live (the free one ) is useless

Guest | Added 2nd Jan 2015, ID #26
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